Community Panel Feedback

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Our group had an amazing experience presenting to members of the community panel. It was very rewarding being able to take in the constructive feedback from people holding prominent positions in varying sectors of the city. A particular message that we received was to incorporate actual sound into our exhibit. This would add to the experience as well as make it a more rounded experience. Another interesting idea proposed was that we build a three-dimensional structure that people could physically place their input on. Given the time restraints, money and library protocols; this was not feasible. Speaking one-on-one with several of the panelists was very enlightening. Our idea actually expanded upon an already proven successful systems map. Adding another level of data interpretation; through the use of geographical location of music experiences had never been done before. This gave our group alot of faith in our idea. Having the opportunity to meet some of the best in the industry, was exceptional and a once in a lifetime school experience. Thank you again for the constructive feedback. We appreciate it greatly.