Elevate Testing: Final Blog

April 15th c.JPG

Through the course of this term, we have narrowed down our definitions of Civic User Testing, Digital Divide, and Digital Social Innovation. We have done this through collaboration with our peers and community members as well as through our own research. Today we were able to take all that we have learned and present our final case for support. All that we have learned through the lectures, feedback, and discussions came together to create our final presentation. We started with little idea as to what was meant by these terms but after a semester of collaboration and learning, we now have a deep understanding of these concepts and have become passionate about this cause. We have been lucky enough to have so many influential people attend our classes and help us get to where we are now.

Our case for support which was presented on April 7th was an exciting end to our class and was a relief moment as we were able to see all our hard work come together. It brings us great pleasure to know that all our hard work has the ability to make a real impact on our community. We are so grateful to have been a part of this and to have had the support from Dr. Catherine Pearl and those who joined our class throughout the semester.

-Team Elevate