Innovation in Barcelona

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Barcelona was one of my favourite exemplar cities I researched. There were many significant cities that had an interesting aspect of Tech for Good but I enjoyed learning about IoT: the Internet of Things. The array of IoT technologies that are available already gives Calgary plenty of opportunities for utilization.

There are five main categories in which cities can receive their data that can improve a person’s quality of life: Economic Development, Housing & Engagement, Healthcare, Mobility, Security and Utilities (Smart City Hub, 2018). There are 55 main applications within those categories, many of these technologies Barcelona and other cities have already adopted which is what makes them a Smart City. This has been most impactful for a city’s energy conservation due to the introduction of LED light sensors that only turn on with the detection of movement. In fact this has reduced energy consumption by 30% (Eden Strategy Institute and ONG&ONG Pte Ltd., 2018). These sensors also detect air quality, humidity and noise levels (Eden Strategy Institute and ONG&ONG Pte Ltd., 2018). A way that Calgary could work towards becoming a Smart City is starting small with some of these technologies that we know can be effective. Many of Barcelona’s initiatives revolved around bettering the future of not only the city but also the rest of the world. When it comes to the environment and ways that we can become independent from our reliance on natural resources, it is something that is significant for all our future generations.

Sam H.