Nashville, Tennessee - Music


“Arts, culture, and creativity reflect a city’s spirit and values—they are its pulse. Since its founding, arts and cultural participation have been central to Nashville’s history and economy livelihood (A General Plan for Nashville & Davidson County, p.1). The need for economic development evolved in 1989 when the Wall Street reported on the “relative underperformance of the Nashville market. The growth of Nashville's creative sectors since then has helped the city serve as a hub which in return has helped the region grow entirely.

Commonly known as “Music City”, Nashville boasts an upbeat nightlife, while offering a diverse selection of genres and experiences within their creative music sector. Music has been an anchor for the city brand and economy for decades. Click below to read more now! 

[Image].2019. Music City Center. Clark Construction. Retrieved February 19, 2019 from .

A General Plan for Nashville & Davidson County. (2015). Nashvillenext. Volume 2 Elements. Retrieved February 15, 2019 from nVolumes/next-volume2-Elements_ACC.pdf